Chaos and riots have exploded around the world after Edward Snowden Jr., the son of the notorious American traitor who leaked information from the National Security Administration, has decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. Snowden Jr. revealed to the world that Russia, North Korea, and the United States were experimenting with a complacent drug, C-99, that is injected at birth and inhibits a human’s tendency to be disobedient. After Snowden Jr. released the information on social media, it immediately went viral leading to protests around the world, and the eventual World War III. After the war, a new entity called The Order took over the US government to instill a strong, unified power that aimed to protect US citizens without the need to inject a compliance drug into their brains. The Order’s goal was to create trust between the government and its citizens, and in exchange for transparency from the institution, The Order called for the elimination of consumer data privacy. Once The Order eliminated the Federal Trade Commision, there has not been one terrorist attack, crime has reduced to almost 0%, and we finally see individuals being held accountable for selfish, lawless actions.